Sunday, September 14

Not So Smart

As anyone knows who has iTunes, every few months a new version of iTunes is available and you must update your iTunes with each new version or else you can't very well sync iTunes with your iPod.

I updated iTunes today to version 8.0 like my computer suggested. Version 8.0 has a new feature called the Genius Sidebar. It claims to "make playlists from songs in your library that go great together." I've only been running it for an hour, so I don't think it's had enough songs run through it to make playlists. What I have noticed about it is this: it puts a link to the iTunes Music Store in your iTunes window. Then it oh-so-helpfully "recommends" songs and albums that you are "missing" from your ultimate playlist, providing a convenient button so you can purchase them without having to take the pesky extra step of clicking on the Music Store icon.

I don't want to sound like the whiny beatnik on Mad Men telling Don Draper that ad men are swine because they create want, but I've had enough with Apple's aggressive marketing. I can't update iTunes unless I download their internet navigation program, Safari, which I don't use.

So, Apple, quit trying to force things on me that I don't need. I don't have a Mac, and all of your aggressive marketing is only turning me off. Oh, yeah, I'm also tired of your Mac vs. PC commercials.


Ms. K said...

My boyfriend has been having this same complaint! Everytime he downloads the upgrade (which upgrades seem to come every week) he has problems with all his downlaods getting messed up. I agree, Leave us alone Apple! I'm still mad that the IPod I bought him cost $400, then a year later costs about half that!

Jenny said...

Just today I saw two different commercials making fun of those Mac ads with John Hodgman. Ha! (although I do think John Hodgman is hilarious). Also, make sure you never download the upgrade while your ipod is plugged in, or it will be ruined!

Bylertrewington said...

I recently read somewhere that the agency responsible for those new "I'm a PC" ads works on...Macs. LOL! I love my laptop more than anything but the Apple hegemony is out of control.

Jenny said...

Now, is that authentic irony or not? :)